Dorice Moore: The Story of a Notorious Criminal Scammer Dorice Moore is a name that has become synonymous with criminal scams and fraud. Born in 1971, Moore's life took a drastic turn when she became involved in one of the most notorious scams in the history of Florida. Moore's story began in 2008 when she met a multi-millionaire named Abraham Shakespeare. Shakespeare had won a $31 million lottery jackpot two years prior, and he soon became a target for those seeking to take advantage of his newfound wealth. Moore, seemingly innocent at first, managed to gain Shakespeare's trust by claiming that she wanted to write a book about him. Little did he know that Moore had ulterior motives. Over time, Moore convinced Shakespeare to sign over control of his assets, including his home and access to his bank accounts. As Moore gained more control over Shakespeare's finances, she began to manipulate and deceive him. She transferred large sums of money into her own accounts and even used Shakespeare's name to purchase properties and cars. By the time the scam was uncovered, Moore had stolen nearly $1.3 million from Shakespeare. In 2009, the truth finally came to light when Shakespeare was reported missing. His family suspected foul play and contacted the authorities. Moore, however, continued to deny any involvement in Shakespeare's disappearance. The investigation eventually led to Moore's arrest in early 2010. She was charged with the first-degree murder of Abraham Shakespeare, despite the absence of a body. The prosecution argued that Moore had killed Shakespeare to continue stealing his money. During the trial, it was revealed that Moore had not acted alone. Another man named Gregory Smith was involved in the scam and had helped Moore in disposing of Shakespeare's body. Smith eventually confessed and directed investigators to the location where Shakespeare's remains were buried. In 2012, Dorice Moore was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Gregory Smith, on the other hand, agreed to testify against Moore in exchange for a reduced sentence. The story of Dorice Moore serves as a cautionary tale against trusting strangers with our finances. It also highlights the dangers of greed and the tragic consequences it can lead to. Despite the devastating impact she had on a man's life, Moore's arrest and conviction served as a small victory for justice in a case that shocked the nation.